Ambulance Service
The goal of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) system in the State of Delaware is to provide treatment to those in need of urgent medical care and in most cases, to provide transport to those who are unable to transport themseleves to the next level of care or hospital due to their medical emergency.
The state of Delaware operates as a two-tier system, where two levels of care are provided; Basic Life Support (BLS), and Advanced Life Support (ALS). The severity of your illness or injury will determine what level of care is required to effectively treat you. It's important that you speak as clear as you can and are honest with the emergency operator when reporting your emergency. Your report will determine the level of care that is provided to you.
If you experience an emergency, please call 911 immediately!
Five Points Fire Company contracts with an outside agency to manage our billing services. When possible, your invoice is filed directly to your insurance carrier with the information provided at the time of the emergency. However, it is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to ensure that we receive the information necessary to file the claim, and follow up with the insurance company until payment is made.
For Questions regarding your EMS bill, please contact:
Kirk & Associates LLC
Plaza 273, Suite 305Newark, DE 19702
T: (302) 273-2247
F: (302) 533-6818
Credit Card Payments
Please call Kirk & Associates at 302-273-2247
Mailing a Check
Five Points Fire Company
Kirk & Associates LLC
Plaza 273, Suite 305
Newark, DE 19720
AdvantEdge Customers
Billing questions for customers transported prior to June 1, 2015, should contact AdvantEdge Healthcare Solutions:
307 Ruthar Dr.
Newark DE 19711
Faxe 302-224-2848
Contact Us