On February 7th 1921 community members from Richardson Park , Glynrich, Ashley, and Elmhurst & Bellmore met at the Richardson Park School formulating the Five Points Civic Association. The Civic Association headed by William Sevier formed a committee headed by Ray VanSant to investigate the ways and means of providing fire protection to the communities. On May 7th 1921 the committee reported back to the Civic Association their recommendation and on that date the Fire Squad of the Five Points Civic Association was formulated.
On July 4th 1921 the Fire Squad purchased its first state of the art Reo Fire Truck with a 350 Gallon per minute pump, two chemical tanks and two extension ladders. The new engine was housed in a garage owned by Delaware S. Wright on Ashton Street and remained there until September 1921. Then a tract of land and a small frame building were purchased from William Tinsman. The building was used as the Community Hall and an addition was built to house the fire truck. The building then became known as the “Shack” on the corners of Eureka Street & Norway Avenue.
At the January 1952 meeting, a committee was appointed to purchase ground for a new firehouse as they purchased more apparatus and the membership out grew the small building. After searching and negotiating on July 2nd 1954 they purchased Hastings Garage & Chevrolet Agency our existing location. The membership cleaned up the building erected partitions to make it into a firehouse, hall and kitchen facility. On January 1, 1955 they moved into what they thought was the greatest Fire Station in the State.
On September 2nd 1961 the Fire Company signed a contract to remodel the building making five doors across the front to house the additional fire apparatus they purchased. They remodeled the Kitchen and Hall facilities in order to rent it out for fundraisers. Construction was completed and the Fire Company continued to provide Fire Protection services. On June 3rd, 1971 the mortgage with Wilmington Trust was paid off and their new updated facility was all theirs and the way the Fire Company had been providing service to the community for 50 years now.
During the next few years the Fire Company advanced its services and upgraded the apparatus. Again some 14 years later in 1975 the Fire Company found itself over crowded and the membership grew leaps and bounds. A remodeling and upgrade project was conducted that year which included adding office space, meeting room, recreation and entertainment rooms. They upgraded and remodeled the Hall and kitchen areas and completely restored the outside of the building.
The 1980's and 1990's were extremely challenging to the Fire Company as mandated regulations changed the appearance and safe riding procedures of the apparatus. The enclosed cab was introduced, ending all riding on the backstep or sides of the fire truck, and mandatory professional fire training was implemented. The complete encapsulation of the Fire Fighter with bunker pants, fire resistant hood under the helmet and SCBA's for all interior fire fighting personnel.
In the late 1990's all volunteer fire companies were hit with a severe blow. As shortage of personnel due to work habit changes and life habit changes. The pool of members found for daytime responses reduce dramatically and we entered the shocking world of paid personnel to provide the fire service.
In 1998 we found ourselves with the fire line officers sharing one room that was once the soda storage area 10 feet X 15 feet long. The then Board of Directors room shared as the President's Office, Board Room and File Storage Room. The second floor hall storage room was converted into a physical fitness room. The Hall was showing its wear and tear from extensive use through rentals. The Officers and members found their EMT & Firefighting training became a daily and weekly event. It became apparent that the demands to provide a service to the community would take much more of their free time than anticipated. Therefore the firehouse became a second home. We found ourselves waiting in line to use office space, computers, file cabinets and standing to watch training films because the entertainment room shared as a training room/TV Room. So a committee was formulated to once again expand and upgrade the facility.
Through some extensive planning and yes a couple disagreements the final plan was presented to the Fire Company for approval. The hard sell was the expense to carry out our plan. Both the Fire Company membership and the Ladies Auxiliary membership held a mandatory joint meeting to present the plan and it was approved.
And here we are today housing the new building which includes a remodeled and extension of the engine bay, a new expanded and functional meeting rooms, a real board of director's room, office space for each and every fire company officer, a beautiful modernized community hall with an upgraded kitchen and hall storage rooms, an added hall rental office and Ladies Auxiliary member's office all to themselves, a student study area, paid personnel office and plenty of storage rooms. The addition of a new membership kitchenette and entertainment rooms was sorely needed.
We incorporated the addition of two fire equipment repair and storage rooms. And the most significant change was the appearance of the front of the building, and the beautiful addition of an Antique Fire Museum to show the public how proud we are of our heritage and the dedication and the honor we have for our profession.